- Why should I save to CD?
Filmet does not save any image modifications, such as retouching and color correction. We keep orders for approximately 3 months before they are deleted from our servers. Saving to CD allows the customer to save modifications and not be charged again if reproductions are needed later. Please contact customer service with any questions at 800.255.9000.
- What kind of Digital Files should I send?
The ideal file is a high-quality .JPG or .TIF file in RGB mode (sRGB color space) with no compression, no alpha channels, and no layers.
Filmet Connect ROES will only accept these two file formats. Other formats, like your Camera RAW files, will not even show up in the image panel within the software. If sent by CD, most files that do not conform to these standards can be opened, but they must be converted to this format which may delay your order and result in additional charges.
Please note that:
1. File names must be less than 31 characters long. This includes punctuation, numbers, special characters, and spaces.
2. Names must not contain the following characters: , " ^ & = | < > ? ( ) ` ~ [ ]
These characters may cause inconsistencies in our system and may cause the corruption of your files or errors in your order.
- What is the difference between a .JPG and a .TIF?
A .JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a compressed file format that was originally for the web. When saved at its highest settings, a .jpg will be more than enough to print from.
A .TIF (Tagged Image Format File) is a lossless image format that is a printing standard. Files in this format will generally be larger in size than a .JPG and can hold layers and alpha channels like a .PSD.
- What is the difference between RGB and CMYK?
RGB, which stands for Red, Green Blue, is an additive color model that consists of the primary colors of light. It's used for electronic displays, like computer monitors and televisions, as well as digital cameras. Our Kodak DP2 printers use a light imaging process to print and run in RGB. Images must be sent in the RGB color model.
CMYK, or "Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black)," is a subtractive color model that is used in color printing. This color model does not work with our printing software and could cause problems and delays in your order. Please be sure to convert any CMYK files to RGB before you submit them for printing.
- How do I reorder?
If you are ordering reprints from the initial proofing job - Set up and send your files via Filmet Connect for easy and cost effective reprints.
If you are reordering from a reprints job: It is best, when you set up and send your initial reprints order, to save your unfinished order in Filmet Connect before you submit it to us. This way, you can reopen that saved order and send it through with the exact same crops, colors, and text. We keep orders on file for approximately 3 months. It is possible that we may still have the original order in our system. Please call customer service