Filmet Professional Imaging
Acrylic Products: Graphic Sports Statues
Football Statues

Show Your True Colors!

Graphic Sports statues are customizable to match team colors! Each sport has its own graphic background with nodes to place your image, team name, player name and uniform number. Best of all, this product is less expensive than the custom acrylic statue and is Pager editable for custom colors. Matching acrylic magnets are also available.

Pager Editable Color

Use the pager tool to choose colors directly from your image to completely customize each of these acrylic statues and little people magnets.

Not your style? Try our Custom Cut Acrylic Statuettes.


Print Me! This is a printer-friendly page.


1. Set up your statue.

Place your image into the center node, marked “image,” by dragging your file from the menu on the right. Grab your text nodes and type in the kid and team names and the kid’s uniform number.

2. Enable the Pager Tool. Pager Tool


3. Choose the “Light Color.”

Edit Tool

Use the “edit tool” to click on the light color handle located at the top (vert.) or left (horz.) of the product area.

Light Color Handle Sample Color

Select your color with the swatches to the right under “Fill” or use the sample color dropper to pick a color directly from your image. The borders of the sport and the year will change with your selection.

Light Color Handle with Color Change

Note that the text color of the handle also changes with your color selection.


4. Choose the “Dark Color.”

Dark Color Handle

Use the “Edit Tool” to select the dark color handle located at the bottom (vert.) or right (horz.) of the product area.

Select the darker team color the same way you did in Step 3.


5. Change your text nodes.

Repeat the process again to change the colors of the text nodes, but be sure to use “Text” instead of “Fill.”

Fill vs Text Arrow

This fill will only fill the background of the text node and not the actual text.