Easy to setup and takedown, collapsible banner stands are a great way to show off your work and your products whether you're on location or in your studio. These portable showcases are free-standing displays that can be used in a variety of ways.
Viewable Area: 31.25" x 84"
When designing your banner stand, please allow for a 1" bleed plus an additional 2" at the bottom. Be sure to not place important elements, like text, in this area as it may be cropped off during printing and assembly.
Accepted File Formats: .tif and .jpg
(There will be a $25 surcharge for other file types.)
Minimum Recommended File Size: 125mb
File size will affect the quality of printing. Please send as large a file as possible. Filmet will not be held resonsible for poor print quality due to poor file size and setup.